Short Courses, Seminars and Experiential Workshops

Short Courses, Seminars and Experiential Workshops

These are stand-alone, half day, one day or one term programs designed around a particular theme.  They do not require any other familiarity with the work of the Human Odyssey.

Themes include:

  • The Mystical and Occult Evolutions
  • Three Portals to the Spiritual World
  • Introduction to Occult Meditation
  • The role of love, light and power in the spiritual journey
  • An introduction to the five Pathways for conscious living
  • The path of Initiation
  • Acquisition and Creation on the Spiritual Path
  • Partnership and Integration on the Spiritual Path
  • Consciousness and Transfiguration on the Spiritual Path
  • Freedom and Revelation on the Spiritual Path


Workshops are informal and experiential and utilise the personal experience, interests, wisdom and concerns of participants.  Note that there is no requirement for belief in any religion, philosophy or ideology, or indeed for belief in anything which may be discussed in the program.  It is your individual and personal discernment as to the relevance and truth of the work that is the measure of its value to you.

What is The Human Odyssey?

What does The Human Odyssey do for you?

What is the philosophy of the Human Odyssey?

How is The Human Odyssey Structured?