The Relational World of INTEGRATION
Here we are concerned with resolving the dichotomy between the individual and the group in an integrated way . This enables us to hold ourselves strongly and independently as separate individuals, while at the same time being warmly connected with ourselves and others.
In the Relational World, we pay particular attention to bringing equilibrium to the potent force of our emotions. An unruly emotional body is the most significant inhibitor to integration of the personalty, which is a prerequisite for integration of the personality with the soul. The emotions can then be tuned to the work of Intuition, for which they are the early foundation.
Individuation and Differentiation are the means by which this Integration process occurs.
This World has four key Principles:
Growth and Change, which together, direct the process of Individuation
Reconciliation and Manifestation which together, direct the method of Differentiation
The Archetypal World of Revelation The Primary World of Creation