The Spiritual World of TRANSFIGURATION
In this world we open ourselves to the catalytic presence of soul force which, through the process of transmutation, changes us forever. Over time we release identification with our personality as the main source of strength, wisdom and direction. We become more oriented to the good of all and less concerned with our own private good. It is soul purpose we serve. This happens without deprivation, as our lived experience tells us that there is no difference between our individual good and the good of the larger whole.
Thus, through our willing and conscious invocation, the soul becomes the guiding force in our lives. The light of the soul directs our thoughts, feelings and actions more and more, until the alignment between personality and soul is complete. With this realisation of our essential nature, we can now enter into our true destiny, that of spirit in form.
Transformation and Transmutation are the means by which this Transfiguration process occurs.
This World has four key Principles:
Trust & Truth, which together, direct the process of Transformation
Service & Discipline, which together direct the method of Transmutation
The Archetypal World of Revelation The Primary World of Creation
The Relational World of Integration