Pathway 1: Harmony Through Conflict: Crisis, Method and Solution

Each stage of the journey into consciousness and union with our most essential self, presents us with a set of joys and challenges that converge eventually into a crisis. It sweeps us towards the point of emergence into our next stage of development or to the brink of disaster. It can be exciting, interesting, and rewarding; it can also be boring, frightening, or frustrating. The experience depends upon what we bring to it.

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Crisis Demands Decision

Crisis, from the Greek root to decide, calls into question our sense of who we are and the meaning and purpose of our lives.  Thus, crisis asks us to decide - to change, to start, to stop, to do more or less, or to do it differently.  Our progress depends upon it.

Pathway 1, Harmony Through Conflict - Crisis, Method and Solution will support you in this processIn four terms over twelve months and in the context of your own experience, we will explore four of the key stages of spiritual unfoldment in the human journey.  Each stage throws up a key challenge.  The challenges are:

  • Acquisition rather than selfishness and greed
  • Partnership (with self, others, life and with higher Self), rather than abuse
  • Consciousness rather than self-serving absorption or ideological fixation
  • Freedom and Divinity rather than escape or irresponsibility

Together, we will address these challenges, including the hopes, fears, methods, solutions and outcomes that arise from them.

Spiritual Keys

There are many resources to help us meet all that we encounter as we move towards realisation of our true nature.  In this program we will pay particular attention to three of them.  They are:

  • identifying and working consciously with the higher meaning and purpose of the important challenges and points of crisis in your own life
  • exploring and practically applying the key methods and solutions for meeting the four primary challenges in the evolution of consciousness
  • understanding the stages of spiritual development relevant to your life now and consciously utilising the consequent universal energies that shape your experience

The program will include opportunities for you to:

  • develop further and share your own frameworks for making meaning of life and for living well in the context of meeting these challenges
  • share with others your experience of the journey so far and your aspirations for the future

Benefits of the Process

Mastery of the core joys and challenges of one stage of development releases us into the next stage of development with its own focus for experience and learning.  We live more joyfully and creatively, with greater awareness and purpose.  Our sphere of influence expands and our capacity to contribute constructively to the harmonising of society and the enrichment of the human race increases.

Pathway 1: Harmony Through Conflict: Crisis, Method and Solution