Pathway 4: The Rays and the Initiations – Centres of Force in the Process of Enlightenment
All of us are surrounded and influenced by centres of force: the forces of family; friends; social institutions; political systems; culture; environment; belief systems; on and on. We are one part of a system that is made up of many parts. To be alive, is to be faced with the beauty and the torment of the group. All aspects of this system we call Life, are infused and shaped also, by great archetypal centres of force. In the process of Enlightenment, the most significant centres of force from a human perspective are those known as the seven rays and the seven initiations.
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All of us are surrounded and influenced by centres of force: the forces of family; friends; social institutions; political systems; culture; environment; belief systems; on and on. We are one part of a system that is made up of many parts. To be alive, is to be faced with the beauty and the torment of the group. All aspects of this system we call Life, are infused and shaped also, by great archetypal centres of force. In the process of Enlightenment, the most significant centres of force from a human perspective are those known as the seven rays and the seven initiations.
The Seven Rays: Life, Quality, and Appearance
The rays are energies or forces that invest every form in every kingdom with their unique life, quality and appearance. Specifically, they shape and infuse the process of initiation and our experience of it, as each initiation is charged with the particular qualities of one or more of the Seven Rays.
The Seven Initiations: Meeting the Challenge
The process of Enlightenment is mediated and advanced by our capacity to meet and resolve core life challenges. Initiation is the term used to describe the expansions of consciousness that are central to the task of meeting those challenges successfully. It occurs in a graded series of recognitions that are qualified by the energy of the rays. They embrace and go beyond life as we have known it, linking and unifying the old with a larger circle of life. We abandon our old limits, for deeper understanding, capacity and purpose. Precipitated by the rays and the crisis of initiation, we move ever closer to union with our true selves and live more of our lives from that place.
All of us are surrounded and influenced by centres of force: the forces of family; friends; social institutions; political systems; culture; environment; belief systems; on and on. We are one part of a system that is made up of many parts. To be alive, is to be faced with the beauty and the torment of the group. All aspects of this system we call Life, are infused and shaped also, by great archetypal centres of force. In the process of Enlightenment, the most significant centres of force from a human perspective are those known as the seven rays and the seven initiations.The Rays and the Initiations-Centres of Force in the Process of Initiation will support you in this process. In four terms over twelve months and in the context of your own experience, we will explore the stages of consciousness, challenges and requirements for growth within the relevant initiations and their rays.
The program will assist you to:
- identify your own challenges to consciousness and points of resistance
- investigate and practically apply the esoteric methods for penetrating into new realisations, for integrating them and for creating from that new place
- develop further and share your own frameworks for growth, for making meaning of life and for living well
- share with others your experience of the journey so far and your aspirations for the future
Benefits of the Process
Mastery of the core joys and challenges of one stage of development releases us into the next stage of development with its own focus for experience and learning. We live more joyfully and creatively, with greater awareness and purpose. Our sphere of influence expands and our capacity to contribute constructively to the harmonising of society and the enrichment of the human race increases.