Pathway 3: The Challenge of Consciousness: Acquisition and Relinquishment on the Path

The challenge of consciousness is a defining requirement of the evolutionary journey.  It calls us to penetrate further and further into what is real and to let go of the illusions that substitute for reality.  As each stage of consciousness is succeeded by the next, we are refined physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  This draws us ever closer to the goal of the human journey: the union of the personality with spirit.

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Frontiers of Consciousness

The challenge of consciousness is a defining requirement of the evolutionary journey.  It calls us to penetrate further and further into what is real and to let go of the illusions that substitute for reality.  As each stage of consciousness is succeeded by the next, we are refined physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  This draws us ever closer to the goal of the human journey: the union of the personality with spirit. 

Every acquisition of the new, at whatever level of the personality it occurs, requires a relinquishment of some part of the old life.  In the same way, each stage of new consciousness requires us to release the forms (beliefs, behaviours, structures), which do not serve the new Life that our increased awareness has released.

The Great Emancipation

When we resist or block this evolutionary imperative, the forms that previously sustained us, begin to crumble and the Life within the forms begins to die off or become corrupted.

Instead, our task is to answer the call of growth as best we can and to put aside or transform the habits that deny or distort this process. The result is Freedom – freedom to be what we can be, to enter into Life as an equal partner, to go beyond the restrictions of inhibiting form, to create and celebrate the moment by moment dynamic process of revelation that is Life.

The Challenge of Consciousness: Acquisition and Relinquishment on the Path, will support you in this processIn four terms over twelve months and in the context of your own experience, we will explore the life positions, challenges and requirements for growth within the three stages of consciousness that constitute the path to realisation and the completion of the human journey.  They are: the Mutable Cross; the Fixed Cross; the Cardinal Cross.

The program will include opportunities for you to:

  • identify your own challenges to consciousness and points of resistance
  • investigate and practically apply the esoteric methods for penetrating into new realisations, for integrating them and for creating from that new place
  • develop further and share your own frameworks for growth, for making meaning of life and for living well
  • share with others your experience of the journey so far and your aspirations for the future

Benefits of the Process

Mastery of the core joys and challenges of one stage of development releases us into the next stage of development with its own focus for experience and learning.  We live more joyfully and creatively, with greater awareness and purpose.  Our sphere of influence expands and our capacity to contribute constructively to the harmonising of society and the enrichment of the human race increases.

Pathway 3:  The Challenge of Consciousness: Acquisition and Relinquishment on the Path
